Anti Rug Agency

ARA is the Anti Virus of crypto.

Our Story

We started with a simple idea: protect those who cannot protect themselves. Scammers have gotten out of control in the crypto space. Now with ARA, we will become the Anti-Virus of crypto. Protecting your assets and ensuring those who defraud are brought to justice! The ARA token will allow ARA and its holders to be part of a ecosystem of cyber security, payments and tokenomics.

Our Mission





ARA creates a crypto space of integrity. Safeguarding your investments.


All Funds recovered that cannot be returned are air dropped to existing holders.


We employ the best inernational legal firms world wide to bring these thieves to justice.

No Bounds

Just like the scammers have no mercy. ARA employs the best hackers to assist in tracking down these thieves.



Building a Legacy of Excellence: We strive to be a leader in the crypto security space. Bringing justice for those who cannot be heard and finding those who cannot be seen.

Creating an impact for security in crypto. Rewarding our holders, and safeguarding investments from the elusive scammers.

ARA- The Anti- Virus of Crypto